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India’s best 700+ Hrs HD Video lectures for iit jee. All concepts and examples thought from basics to advance. Previous years of paper AIEEE, JEE, and NCERT solutions. Video lectures for iit jee maths, physics, and chemistry for jee advanced. Deliver via Windows PC/Laptop, IOS, MAC, Tabs, or Phones. Get IIT JEE video lectures for Android Phones. The student can study at home with online iit jee video or offline. Video lectures can also be downloaded to phones or PC. The full jee lecture trial is a call away. Call us on 09977204422, 08226060233
In India no one provides past iit jee paper solutions in the video. No company provides a full course demo before purchase. Lowest fee best content for jee mains advanced preparation. Best Results since 2008 by the top Ranker Teacher.

IIT JEE Physics video lectures come in 4 parts
- Mechanics ( Newton laws of motion )
- Waves, Simple Harmonic Motion, GPM
- Electrostatics, Current electricity, and Magnetism
- Optics, Wave Optics, and Modern Physics
IITJEE Chemistry video lectures come in 3 Parts
- Physical Chemistry and Numerical
- Inorganic Chemistry and equations
- Basic to all Organic Chemistry
- For JEE Mains and Advanced 2019-2020
IIT JEE Maths Video lectures Come in 3 Parts as:
- Algebra, 2D Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry
- Integral and Differential Calculus
- Vector, 3D, Probability, Statistics, and Dynamics
- Valid for IITJEE Main and Advance 2019 & 2020

675 Hrs HD IIT JEE Video Lectures
- Exhaustive Theory from Basic to Advance level
- 32 years of IIT JEE papers VDO Solutions
- 10 years of AIEEE papers VDO Solutions
- Thousands of MCQs Video solutions
- NCERT Exercise Video Solutions (Phy. & Chem.)

Highly Student Friendly Technology
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Free Tests, IIT JEE Study Material and e-books
- Free Online and offline tests
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Well Designed JEE Video lecture content
Our iit jee video lecture content was prepared for best results in exams. We kept all points in mind to explore the needs of jee mains and advance exams. Every and each video made with the help pf best of knowledge and facts for the topic. Many retakes and revisions were made for each clip of a video. Every small and big concept needed for exam are included explained very well. Keeping out of syllabus point at bay we made it perfect for jee exams.
Teacher is a topper
The teacher Narendra Patidar is a first ranker in the MP State Engineering Entrance 1993. He topped among 45000 students. He topped intra college maths Olympiad. He cleared union civil service prelims twice and MPPSC prelims. He took maths and physics as the subjects in these exams. With 24 experience he is best faculty for iit jee lectures in country. Using all his talent he made video lectures for maths and physics for iit jee. JEE mains advance are the best done with video classes by him.
Student is given full guidance and support
We provide complete guidance to every student about his preparation. How to do prepare, Where to start from, How to crack a problem, We teach how to make concepts and formula guide for revisions. Video lectures for jee maths and physics rarely create any doubts as it is best.
Students can mail us their problems related to any misunderstood or missing concepts. We will answer or resolve it via email or video updates on website.
Highest percentage of successful students
Success ratio of our jee video lecture student is much higher in all the types of courses. JEE mains selection rate is best in field.
Unmatched features of masters
- HD quality voice lectures for IIT JEE mains 2018.
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- Download available for PCM course content in PDF.
- Huge content of 290 hours for physics videos.
- Maximum problem solved in maths lectures.
- Physical chemistry numerical include in iitjee chemistry video.
- Best rated results in e-learning for class 11th 12th.