With the rise of mobiles and tablets iit jee e-learning has got a new way of study. Although both iit jee video coaching and tablet technology has grown all together in last 3-4 years. There are 4-5 types of iit jee coaching tablets are available in the market.
IIT JEE training videos are available in 30 GB to 300 GB size with 300 Hours to 1,200 Hours of videos. These are available from ordinary teachers to experts with low quality to HD quality video.
Typical tablets cost may be 3,000/- to 20,000/- or more and memory cost around 1,000-1,200 Rs for 32 GB.Cost of iit jee video course on tablet ranges from 3,000/- to 40,000/-
In this type of variance of such information student will be in great confusion to select a iit-jee course on a tablet. A perfect course size can be of 600-700 Hrs and a course of 300 hrs is not useful also a course of 1,200 hrs is very huge to learn and memory cost will be too high.
A good iit jee tablet course must fit in 32 GB memory with HD quality videos because changing memory card again and again has many disadvantages including hardware failure. A iit jee course on a good brand tablet will be a good choice rather than on ordinary brand tab. A good brand tablet costs 7,000/- to 20,000/- in many screen resolutions and battery backups options that can serve the purpose. Choosing ordinary tablet will waste the money of both course and tablet.
A course of 3,000/- has no actual use in study it is good for show off. And paying 30,000/- for iit jee video course is not smart choice when market has superior video in moderate cost.
So finally iitjee master videos on tablet is the only best choice in the market. The reasons are as. It fits in 32 GB Memory and it is of clear voice with HD quality video. It has theory, examples, aieee, iit jee solution and ncert solutions and all in 670 hr videos. And off course it is the best ever iit jee video in India prepared by a top ranker with 20 years of experience.
Author IIT-JEE Master !