Let us have a comparison between iitjee video lectures and books. Almost all students who prepare for iitjee purchase books for physics chemistry and maths. He purchases more than one writers for one subject. Apart from these books school books are also used by students. Iit jee preparation is never say die situation. Now a day many students also opt for video lectures for iitjee. Not all video lectures are up to mark for jee preparation. Like class room coaching student can make notes for all subjects with the help of videos.
In this entire burden student will have no time for revision for notes or books. Most students think a single book cannot have complete course. For this reason student purchase more than one book for a subject. In fact this is correct thinking but the senior teachers say that do not go for many books. Because a normal student cannot do all syllabus and cannot attempt all questions in iit jee mains or advanced exam.
So if some points are left due to less number of iitjee books in book shelf. No need to worry. Using a good video lecture for iit jee preparation can be a great advantage, because it can cover the entire syllabus accurately and perfectly. IITjeemaster has taken this as a challenge and get it done. The notes prepared with iit jee master video lectures are perfect and not a single idea will be left for exams. You have these courses? Then other coaching institutions’ printed notes are not needed at all. Also there is no need of their classroom coaching as well.
Covering a syllabus properly is the main aim of our videos. None of our student misses any concept for jee exams. Video lectures are getting more and more popularly after its good results. So finally use only a best suited set of books and other standard reference books. No coaching support is needed at all in any way. Making own notes by videos keeping formula books and making formula charts for any day any time reference.
A student can do his course in six month with videos. After that he has solve some problem books as suggested by our teachers. At that time these iit jee formula notes and formula charts will be great helpful.
Just solve past years jee paper from video lectures and then try out test series as recommended. To get confidence for exam hall one must do maths and physics well ahead of exams. And chemistry nearby exams to get max marks in it. Video are great tool to that way preparation for jee mains and advance.

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